v7guy wrote:looks like it has a plastic clip on the end of the playstation necklace, so even if he could get it from the bottom he wouldn't be able to pull it through the gap between the hood and fender.
I would guess he popped the hood to check something real quick, locked the truck, then opened the hood and realized he needed both hands so he set the keys down, saw what he needed to, shut the hood, then said "damn". I'm even more amused that the keys are right by where the hood prop snaps into place.
I've gotten in the habit of leaving the windows down if I do any work on the truck.
That is EXACTLY how it happened; I just used a different expletive.
I wanted to check my coolant before heading in for the night and just as you said, I popped the hood and locked the truck. As I went to shut the hood the keys got caught and went down with the hood as I was holding it up with my one hand and had the keys around my other.
Oh well! Thank God my grandparents live close enough to come over with the spare set!