3C5T0172_1200_n445na by FelipeGR90, on Flickr

E7D_3697_1200_n217ac by FelipeGR90, on Flickr
JamesDowning wrote:Cool shots man. You just hanging around the airport?
The Roadie wrote:Undertrained TSA clerks (I refuse to call them "officers" even though they were issued tin badges and taught how to strut)
As said, that ain't right. It's got a medical necessity exemption.navigator wrote:I had one confiscate my contact solution bottle one time.
So it should have passed because of the size UNLESS it was the kind that has hydrogen peroxide in it. That isn't allowed no matter what.The 2oz travel size.
If you're inthe right, and cave due to time pressure, then the petty tyrants have won. I ALWAYS opt out of the nude-o-scope scan (because it's in the rules that you can choose a grope instead of the scope.) and I'm ready to fight any made-up bullshit rules.I was on my way home so I didn't fuss too much, didn't want to get delayed.
HARDTRAILZ wrote:I hate planes and avoid flying as much as possible. Got no fear but it does something to my head that is just miserable.
HARDTRAILZ wrote:I hate planes and avoid flying as much as possible. Got no fear but it does something to my head that is just miserable.
HARDTRAILZ wrote:Yep. I completely get it but can't stop it from //// my head up for a day or so after. Tried all kinds of tricks and would rather just drive anyway.