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by KE7WOX » Sat Jul 20, 2013 2:24 am

I shot these photos a few weeks ago, the tankers were fighting the deadly Yarnell Fire. These shots were taken 40-something hours after the 19 firefighter deaths, which occurred 19 days ago.

3C5T0172_1200_n445na by FelipeGR90, on Flickr

E7D_3697_1200_n217ac by FelipeGR90, on Flickr
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by Trail X » Sat Jul 20, 2013 9:46 pm

Cool shots man. You just hanging around the airport?
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by JorDaneeKey » Sat Jul 20, 2013 10:03 pm

JamesDowning wrote:Cool shots man. You just hanging around the airport?

And you didn't get arrest- er, detained by DHS and your camera confiscated?
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by KE7WOX » Sun Jul 21, 2013 12:46 am

Yeah I was with a friend hanging around the perimeter and the parking lot.

I didn't get arrested, detained or even questioned. With the amount of people that are here to attend an aeronautical school, people taking photos or watching planes don't raise any eyebrows. The most we've been told is to not be directly underneath the tankers in case they need to jettison their load due to an emergency (We did this once or twice, but you don't push your luck around 60 year old airplanes).

Surprisingly, most of the trouble, at least in Phoenix, comes from the rent-a-cops. Last December I was told by one that it was against the law to photograph airplanes, and I told her that we were authorized by the Ops Bureau and AIrport PD (which we are, since we got an Airport Watch program running), and didn't even mention about the FSD (since she probably had no idea what this even meant). She got very agitated and started demanding "papers" and I told her it was all verbal. After seeing I wouldn't reply with a "Yes ma'am I'll leave immediately" she said it was ok, not long after that, 2 guys from Phoenix PD showed up to talk to me, asked me if I was a terrorist (literally), I was slightly confused/scared by the question, but they laughed and said it was ok to be taking photos, and that the she "just doesn't know what the law is". I forgot my airport watch badge at home, since there was a last minute change of trucks and the badge usually stays in the TB so didn't mention that just because I didn't feel like explaining why I forgot the badge.
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by DirtyBacon04 » Sun Jul 21, 2013 11:36 am

I usually get in "trouble" with rent-a-cops because I dont tell them that I'm LEO and just mess with their minds. They piss me off. The golf course neighborhood gate guards irritate me the most. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate guards that know and do their job, but when you try to overstep your authority I WILL put you in your place.
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by KE7WOX » Sun Jul 21, 2013 1:38 pm

If I were an off-duty or plainclothes LEO, I'd be pissed at a rent-a-cop who tried to tell me what the laws/rules are.

When I had that incident, there were 2 more within a few days (1 of them involved the exact same woman and a friend of mine), and the 3rd incident got to the ears of whoever is in charge of Ops, and long story short, Ops talked to the rentacops to tell them that it was ok to be taking photos in most locations. The guy from the 3rd incident was in a location that is not approved since it's right by the fuel farm, and he got belligerent (British guy, Europeans in general are known for being crazy around planes), that's why Ops found out about the incident, since PD was called.
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by The Roadie » Mon Jul 22, 2013 9:49 am

Undertrained TSA clerks (I refuse to call them "officers" even though they were issued tin badges and taught how to strut) pull the same sort of trick. Except for pictures of the x-ray monitor screens, photography at checkpoints is permitted (with a couple of jurisdictions like Port of New York where the airport operators forbid photography everywhere).

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by KE7WOX » Mon Jul 22, 2013 12:40 pm

The Roadie wrote:Undertrained TSA clerks (I refuse to call them "officers" even though they were issued tin badges and taught how to strut)

Classical tell-tale sign of FlyerTalk membership. I also refer to them as clerks. And I've always said that once they are fully trained to carry a gun and POST certified, I will recognize them as officers.

Also, in theory they're not even supposed to let the public see the monitors, but in Houston they don't seem to care.
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by navigator » Mon Jul 22, 2013 2:53 pm

I had one confiscate my contact solution bottle one time.
The 2oz travel size :-).
I was on my way home so I didn't fuss too much, didn't want to get delayed.
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by KE7WOX » Mon Jul 22, 2013 10:02 pm

I got away with a 4oz one a few weeks ago. They did their vodoo on the bottle in Phoenix, nothing in Columbus. Technically it's a medical liquid so it's exempt.
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by The Roadie » Mon Jul 22, 2013 10:13 pm

navigator wrote:I had one confiscate my contact solution bottle one time.
As said, that ain't right. It's got a medical necessity exemption.
The 2oz travel size :-).
So it should have passed because of the size UNLESS it was the kind that has hydrogen peroxide in it. That isn't allowed no matter what.
I was on my way home so I didn't fuss too much, didn't want to get delayed.
If you're inthe right, and cave due to time pressure, then the petty tyrants have won. I ALWAYS opt out of the nude-o-scope scan (because it's in the rules that you can choose a grope instead of the scope.) and I'm ready to fight any made-up bullshit rules.
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by navigator » Tue Jul 23, 2013 9:33 am

oh yeah, I knew I was in the right.
I don't travel often so I usually skim through the list on the TSA site before I travel so I can be up to date.
I was tempted to print the list out for my next trip.
I did mention to them that they let me travel to that city with the bottle but now they wouldn't let me travel home. I figure if you raise too much of a stink they may put your name on the list with Mohammed and you'll get the full cavity search each trip :puker:
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by Conner299 » Tue Jul 23, 2013 8:48 pm

While I don't necessarily agree with the way he went about it, I do love the statement that was made. Maybe, just maybe, the way he went about it, is what was necessary, though... Since we're on the topic of planes, and all. ... over-airp/

While I don't have a picture, I will share my favorite story about flying machines. The river valley, of the river I worked on, was known for being used by Apaches, for training. The Youghiogheny. One day, while guiding a trip, we had a pair of Apaches in formation, pass right above us. As the river was going around a turn, the Apaches were banking hard, and you could literally see through the cockpit(s), from one side to the other, and see daylight on the far side. My customers were doing the same thing I was, staring up. On a whim, I said "Everybody wave... We planned this fly-over just for you!" Everybody waved... And to our surprise, the co-pilot(aviator in the rear seat?) actually waved back! Everybody cheered, and I got HUGE tips that day. I swear on my mother, this happened!
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by DirtyBacon04 » Tue Jul 23, 2013 9:20 pm

Rear seat is pilot. Front seat is gunner. However, both have full controls for the aircraft.
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by HARDTRAILZ » Wed Jul 24, 2013 3:00 pm

I hate planes and avoid flying as much as possible. Got no fear but it does something to my head that is just miserable.
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by ErikSS » Wed Jul 24, 2013 5:44 pm

HARDTRAILZ wrote:I hate planes and avoid flying as much as possible. Got no fear but it does something to my head that is just miserable.

I think you're just chicken. lol
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by TBYODA » Wed Jul 24, 2013 6:18 pm

HARDTRAILZ wrote:I hate planes and avoid flying as much as possible. Got no fear but it does something to my head that is just miserable.

It's called pressurization ROFL!
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by HARDTRAILZ » Wed Jul 24, 2013 7:08 pm

Yep. I completely get it but can't stop it from //// my head up for a day or so after. Tried all kinds of tricks and would rather just drive anyway.
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by JorDaneeKey » Thu Jul 25, 2013 10:00 am

HARDTRAILZ wrote:Yep. I completely get it but can't stop it from //// my head up for a day or so after. Tried all kinds of tricks and would rather just drive anyway.

I always have sinus troubles after flying. Usually takes a day or two to clear up. Never been able to get past it. Besides, driving is more fun. :)
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by navigator » Fri Jul 26, 2013 11:37 am

I just hate the waiting........ and it seems like when I get home it takes a few days for my "digestive system" to get straightened out.

One job I had, we were travelling about 25% of the time and my boss was likely travelling over 50% of the time. We could get on the plane early on Monday morning and he would be asleep before it took off. I can rarely sleep on a plane.
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