Offroad Trailblazers and Envoys

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by jonbo2002 » Tue May 07, 2013 1:36 pm

Finally got the trailer up the big hill at the front of the property. First pic is what it looked like 2 months ago. Third pic is from the bottom with the TB at the top. Was tough with highway tires but finally got it.
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by JorDaneeKey » Tue May 07, 2013 9:17 pm

Oh good lord. I'd cause an accident every time I used those here in Florida, either from frightening half to death or causing heart attacks in the senior population.
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by mikekey » Thu May 09, 2013 11:06 am

I love this picture of my garage.


Just need to add one more vehicle to this picture. :cheers:
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by navigator » Thu May 09, 2013 11:17 am

where would you put it? :poke:

I can't say anything, I have to back out our golf cart, ATV and Lawn Mower to get anything in ours.
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by NC_IslandRunner » Thu May 09, 2013 11:27 am

I want a golf cart! I gave my atv to my brother, its sole purpose was starting to be just to make the inside of my garage look pretty.
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by navigator » Thu May 09, 2013 11:31 am

we love ours. I got it on CL for $300, it was in rough shape and needed batteries but I am slowly getting it how I want it.
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by mikekey » Thu May 09, 2013 11:35 am

Our drive way could fit 4 cars. And since the Corvette doesn't roll right now, a second car can park next to it with the TB behind the Vette in the drive way. Since the new tires, she doesn't fit in this garage. Next house will have to have a larger garage. :)

How about a golf cart with a 4 cylinder in it!
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by mikekey » Sat May 11, 2013 7:03 pm

I just like taking pictures. :cheers:
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by Opeth » Sun May 12, 2013 2:55 am

Pulled my other money pit out of storage today.

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by dvanbramer88 » Sun May 12, 2013 8:51 am

Now as a little bit of an aside....

We have a boat that is 12 years old. My dad bought it brand new March 2001. The only money that has ever gone into the boat was a new primer bulb (2 stroke out board), new batteries every 3-4 years, and steering, engine control and throttle linkage got replaced one time each. That's it over 12 years.

People call boats money pits and people warned my dad about that when he bought it. Now the reason most boats turn into money pits, IMO; is that they usually sit, a lot. They never get used and for some people it seems like something breaks every time they go out in it. And i feel that a large part of our success with our boat is that it gets used, a lot. Some winters it only sits winterized for ~2 months. We use it almost year round as long as the lake isn't frozen. From daylight savings time in March through June, it gets used 3 nights a week. And as we get closer to vacation season and hunting seasons it gets used less, but still hits the water about 4 times a month until the lake gets hard. The boat has also sees salt water at least a couple times a year too.

Now for the trailer on the other hand... THAT THING is a money pit. lol

And now for the random rig shots:



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by Opeth » Sun May 12, 2013 1:08 pm

As the saying an I/O, marry an outboard.

I bought this brand new in 2010, custom ordered in fact due to all the options. Lets see what has gone wrong.....

Trim pump cover failure, pissed hydrolic fluid everywhere when trying to lift motor.
Steering ram seal failure, requires whole new steering ram assembly.
Manufacturer installed wakeboard tower improperly, spider cracked the gel coat. Fixed gel coat, I properly installed the tower.
Rear bench seat seams gave out and frayed, new bench seat installed.
Mold voids on strakes on hull, whole bottom needed to be wet sanded.
Speedometer was never hooked up, first trip out water was spraying all underneath the gauge cluster till I could source the leak.

I'll never buy another I/O in my life, only reason I bought it was because of the hull warranty and our waterfront property on Lake Ontario water level fluctuates 3-4' a season and needed the ability to get into shallower waters. Next time I would just buy another 50' of dock and a v-drive Malibu, Mastercraft, or Nautique like I originally wanted. I try to use my boat as much as possible, but NY has screwed up weather with rare awesome boating days and our season is only May- mid September for boating.
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by dvanbramer88 » Sun May 12, 2013 3:10 pm

The vinyl seats on our boat only lasted about 8 years before they started deteriorating. I'm suprised your bench didn't even last 2 full years. We replaced 2 seats last year and you can see in my pictures; the other 2 are worn. (Ok; I forgot that we replaced the seats; but you could consider vinyl that sits in the sun all day a maintenance item.) Hell, you could consider everything we've ever replaced on our boat maintenance items.

Anyway; you mentioned hull warranty; Our hull has a lifetime warranty; the wood floor/decks has a 20 year warranty; and the carpet has a 10 year warranty. (Guess when the carpet started to show wear/damage) Our boat may not be pretty or particularly nice, but I have to credit Tracker with a quality product for how well our boat has stood up to very frequent use and abuse. It's a tool, not a toy; it's allowed to be ugly :P

Opeth wrote:As the saying an I/O, marry an outboard.
I'll never buy another I/O in my life

The fiberglass I/O ski boats are nice and shiny; they ride nice, they're fast and fun too; But like most girlfriends that are fast and fun, they don't last too long or stick around through much abuse..

An aluminum boat with an outboard will last a lot longer and take a lot more abuse.

But nonetheless, nice boat. It looks like a lot of fun when it isn't broken. And sorry for the misfortune with all the untimely repairs.

Opeth wrote:Speedometer was never hooked up, first trip out water was spraying all underneath the gauge cluster till I could source the leak.

We actually disconnected our speedo and pulled up the "stick" that goes into the water for it. The extra drag from it robbed a few mph.. We just go off of RPM for speed.

Opeth wrote: but NY has screwed up weather with rare awesome boating days and our season is only May- mid September for boating.

Here in PA, we have similar weather and the boating season is May-September as well. But I wasn't talking about boating season; I was talking about fishing :finger:
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by Opeth » Sun May 12, 2013 10:51 pm

This is my pleasure boat, I have a 14' Duranautic with a 9 HP Johnson we use for duck hunting and fishing. That boat has been put through hell and back. Dragged up and over limestone rocks, through marshes, and a Tree fell on it during the really bad ice storm in northern NY like 15 yrs ago. I took a 2x4 and hammer and made the boat look like nothing happened. Only thing I had to fix was the transom plywood rotted out, being over 40 yrs old exposed april till early December to the elements I'm not shocked about that.

I will totally agree an aluminum boat is like a tank, no plans to ever sell that boat.
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by fishsticks » Mon May 13, 2013 12:52 am

I owned a boat once as a joint venture with some friends... it was a money pit.

A 450hp, 80mph across the water money pit, but a money pit all the same. I blame the BBF hanging out of the back of it personally.

Sucked to try and ski behind.

72 Hawaiian DayCruiser, looked something like this only Kandy Red with lots of metal flake.

11 Silverado LTZ - 6.2L/6l80, 2/3 drop, self tuned
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by mikekey » Mon May 13, 2013 9:01 am

I'd prefer an aluminum pull behind money pit.
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by Regulator1175 » Mon May 13, 2013 7:52 pm

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.
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by JorDaneeKey » Mon May 13, 2013 8:35 pm

Something's wrong with your suspension, Matt......
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by fishsticks » Mon May 13, 2013 8:59 pm

Must be sagging springs...
11 Silverado LTZ - 6.2L/6l80, 2/3 drop, self tuned
85 Hilux - 3RZ, dual cases, caged, 40s, chromo everything
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by HARDTRAILZ » Mon May 13, 2013 11:01 pm


I hate to advocate weird chemicals, alcohol, violence or insanity to anyone...but
they've always worked for me.
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by navigator » Tue May 14, 2013 9:39 am

I have a Nitro bass boat we bought new in 1996. Outside of routine maintenance and a starter we haven't really spent any money on it. I has sat uncovered in the sun most of it's life.
The carpet and the seats are shot now but it still runs good.
I just replaced the seats and am in the process of pulling up the carpet and putting down some non-skid coating.

I bought a water pump and a carb kit about 6 years ago but haven't installed it yet, it does so well I hate to touch it!

Like was mentioned earlier, we usually use it from Feb - November so it doesn't sit much. I haven't had it out this year so it likely won't crank :-)
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