Started working on the side boxes.

I'm picking up these doors from Craigslist...

$50 for all 3 doors! Just have to figure out sealing and the latch... Once I have them in my possession, it should be pretty easy to figure out. Hoping to have them by this weekend.
With the boxes, I ran silicon along each joint before screwing the pieces together. I'm going to cover the boxes with the same material as I used on the wood on the trailer. The tails will be housed on the back panels of the boxes, keeping them out of the way and easily accessible in case of failure.
Once the boxes are completed, going to mount the cap, after I paint it, of course. The question is... what color do I paint the cap? Same color as the boxes(grey) or as the steel on the trailer(black)? Then I need to focus on water setup and tailgate.