by HARDTRAILZ » Wed Dec 09, 2009 1:19 pm
bgwolfpack wrote:Philberto wrote:Not only did I suffer the same fate as Bill (It just stopped raining for the picture), but I also was running fully-inflated tires, was unsupported (solo), and had a total of 30 minutes to devote to the trip today. I didn't have time to go out to the real backroads there and tear it up... I don't like to do it on the roads I had to drive, because they do other things out there, and didn't really want to rut up anything. That, and I just had to get some pics up before anybody else

Don't forget guys that these SoCal boys don't have lawns to tear up of the neighbors like the rest of us do. What they term as mud we call grime, hence Philbertos fine pic.

Foosh, you've got an hour. Let's see what you can do.

Mine was that at least muddy Monday. I did the hunting/playing thing, then i went for some fire would and coated the sides of the truck but didnt take any mud pics. I will throw up a little..wood gathering/mud pics things from Monday afternoon tonight when I get a chance.
We are lucky in the midwest, I can get that much mud from driving around the backroads or some of the new subdivisions.
Its all about having fun though.
I hate to advocate weird chemicals, alcohol, violence or insanity to anyone...but
they've always worked for me.