HARDTRAILZ wrote::facepalm: Righty Tighty....Lefty Loosey
HARDTRAILZ wrote:On all our brake parts it is....
The Roadie wrote:Research, plan your mods, fund the plan, then GO DO THEM. THEN WHEEL IT.
Cable810 wrote:HARDTRAILZ wrote:I did not take caliper apart cause I did not want to bleed brakes. Calipers are all the same. Just unbolt and ziptie out of way then rehook. Or did you mean the bolt holding caliper on?
The bolt that holds the Calipers on. I'm doing exactly what you did. Unbolting them and zip tieing em out of the way. Anyhow I just got the bolt.... I was actually tightening it Lots of heat, PB blaster and muscle did the trick!!
DirtyBacon04 wrote:Hey Moots, start it up and let me know what an I6 straight out of the head sounds like
DirtyBacon04 wrote:you probably gain about 50hp, and 100 cool points... But make sure you get the throttle body spacers and the Tornado thingy
fishsticks wrote:It'll run like shit.
fishsticks wrote:It'll run like shit.