Here's something I wrote up on the OS years ago and forgot to being over here:
I often trail ride with acquaintances/friends from Expedition Portal or Trailvoy or my day job. I carry a SPOT satellite emergency beacon and ham radio for emergency comm. A first aid kit levels below what an EMT would carry, but in a Pelican case bigger than a briefcase. Usually food, water, and shelter for a week even if it's a one-day trip to the desert.
But it struck me I'd have no way to answer questions from medical personnel, or notify any loved ones, in case somebody with me was injured to the point of being unconscious. An ad hoc group usually gets together with zero paperwork, liability releases, or designated boss.
I forget where I read this idea first, but if you're not going with close friends, you may not want casual acquaintances to have all that data accessible. Writing it, then sealing copies in a couple of envelopes to be given back at the END of the ride, is a solution. Why TWO envelopes? Because the trail guide/organizer may be the vehicle that rolls down the mountain, and the OTHERS have to be able to answer those questions. SO there should be a backup collection of envelopes if there are three or more vehicles in the group.
Or you can just ask that everybody on the ride has this information in their glove box or wallet. I certainly wouldn't leave it in my glove box off the trail.
So this thread is about what should be on that paper? Please recommend others, and I'll put the final one on my web site. That is, if it's a reasonable idea to be prepared like this. My wife sometimes worries that over-preparedness can INVOKE the very thing you're worried about.
home address
land line
cell phone
Pets that may be left at home
Emergency contacts
Employer who may need to know
Primary Care physician
Medical Group
Contact numbers
Insurance plan numbers and phones
Any emergency evacuation coverage
Current prescriptions taken / dosages
Drug allergies
Medication/procedures that are not to be used unless/even (choose one) to save my life
Blood Type
HIV status
Eyeglasses or contact lenses - eye surgery / retina cautions
relevant medical history/surgeries like hypertension/diabetes/heart issues
implants (bone repairs, pacemaker, ostomy)
Existence of a living will/medical directive
Who has access/copies of the directive