I'm not the kind of guy that likes to do stuff twice, so I'm spending a lot of time reading, digging through all sorts of postings to figure out what I want to do. I am also the type of guy who would rather learn from someone who has touched a hot stove, rather than touch it himself. Surprisingly, for a truck with 'not a lot of options' compared to other platforms, there are a lot decisions to be made regarding what parts are out their for our toys.
I decided the first step (other than complete fluid changes to give me a known baseline to work from) is the lift. Mark's new kit for the front, and Z-71 springs and BDS 5500 shocks for the rear.
Haven't done anything worthy of build photos yet, but I have already had a good start story...here it goes.
Having decided on what rear shock I wanted, I used the BDS website to find a local distributor, turns out it was in Fort Worth, approx 140 miles away. However, last week I had to go TDY to Nellis AFB in Las Vegas, Nv...flying out of DFW...25 miles from the distributor in Fort Worth. So, I figured, 'great, I'll pick up the shocks when I get back from the TDY'. Also, the Z-71 springs I found on Ebay turned out to be in Dallas too, 25 miles the other direction from DFW. (This part didn't work out on this trip, the guy was out of town the weekend I got back to Dallas...maybe on my next trip in a week.) While waiting for my 0600 hours flight out of Vegas, I decided to burn 5 bucks on the draw poker machine. I hit 5 Aces and won ~45 bucks...the cost of one of the shocks.
Now, if the rest of the build goes like this, I'll be set.