Infamouz wrote:No one answered me on gmtnation ether.
I've stayed out of that thread because those copper tubes are crapola. Snake oil. Rationalized by lame physics and a total lack of ethical treatment of the enthusiast community. The guy doesn't even have the respect and process control to cut the tubes to a consistent length.
A wire spring is NOT a worse conductor of the spark energy. I'm designing a transistor tester right now that's switching at least 1000 times as much energy (80KW) in 1000 times shorter pulses than the spark plug (nanoseconds instead of microseconds.) Remember resistor plugs and resistor plug wires, that served to slow down the plug pulse to reduce AM radio interference? 10KOhm resistance didn't destroy the spark totally, although those spark waveforms probably wouldn't work well in today's cylinder environment. The inductance of the springs may even have been considered by the designer, and are an integral part of their rising edge pulse shaping, and possibly the falling edge quenching of the spark.
But I'm the new kinder and gentler Roadie over there and I'm not going to ALWAYS protect people against wasting their money. It ruins the placebo effect.
Changing from Bosch to Delco plugs AND adding those pipes at the same time is a NUTTY and non-scientific experiment. Changing only ONE thing at a time is the only valid test. The only connection to the Stabilitrac system is that installing the plugs and pipes can jostle the harnesses inder the hood, and if there was some intermittent wiring, the plug activity might have accidentally fixed it.
The steering wheel sensor often goes intermittent because it's almost always sitting in the straight ahead position, and it's a potentiometer. The non-rotating part wears out in the place where the moving part spends most of its time.