I know this is old thread but did not see reason to start a new post for my question/issue. Looking for pointers and maybe better software.
I had a little trouble with this video and the include video sound of the following taken with a gopro (
I am using the GoPro Studio to convert, edit and export to youtube format. For some reason the go pro studio would strip the included sound in step 2 aka story board. What I did first is clip out the set up of the gopro and had two videos I wanted to splice back together with a little fade in on the second video. I wanted to keep the sound on this video because you can nicely hear all the mechanics going on, especially a satisfying clunk on a steel bumper.

To get the sound to work I had to rip the sound out of the raw video with VLC and then place it it back in with story board as i combined the two videos. But what I don't get is if I play the two separate videos the sound is fine.

I hope this is not the norm with video editing cause it would be a PITA if you got a bunch of clips and sound. If you are just adding some random music to video well that is easy. Maybe its the go pro studio software. Thanks for any help guys. I have been pulling what little hair I have left cause I would not let it beat me.

I am just looking to cut down and/or improve the editing process.

Jame/ Bill are you still using Cyberlink Power Director?