First I had to get the ladder mounted up. I was just trying to get it done, so it's not the prettiest mount.

Here's a detail of the mount (unfinished but in working order). Hard to really see what's going on, but basically I notched a 1x1 steel tube so the full cross section would be resting on the inner rail of the roof rack, but then becomes a thin tab that functions as the hold down. The trick is reaching your fingers in there to get the nut on the stud with only 1" of room. Not too bad though. I'm thinking about adding a small 1/4" spacer to the bottom of the tab, just to lower the mounting stud a bit more. A ratcheting box wrench helped a good bit. (I wrapped electrical tape around the end so it wouldn't scratch the roof as I put it all together, so that's the thin plastic you see.)

Here it is all mounted. It was a bigger challenge to get it up there than I thought. I figured 80 lbs, no problem to lift that by myself. Wrong. It wouldn't have been too hard with two people, but my wife pulled something in her shoulder, and wasn't able to lift it. So I ended up disassembling the main hinge and lifting it up in halves. Surprisingly it wasn't that bad doing it in pieces and the assembly wasn't too hard since I could rest the cantilever section on the support lip while reassembling the hinge. As for the ladder leash, it probably isn't necessary in softer ground, but on pavement I felt better with it there.
Anyways, here it is:

Supporting my weight, no problem.