Got them mounted just a couple hours ago. Will post up pics in the AM, dark out now.
Only got 4 out of the 5 mounted, the other one was not wanting to set the top bead at all. The sidewalls were to close together so I need to put some blocks in between to try to push them out. Think it was due to the shipping of them, being all wrapped up with the packaging crap, the others just barely went on. Beads worked great on the drive back, speeds up to 75mph.
They are also extremely quite on the road. Will also need to trim sheet metal, can tell when I get offroad they will rub, these are/ look pretty big compared to my Kumho's.
vwmaniacx wrote:Also as far as I can tell the dynabeads are just over priced plastic bb's, I would just go the cheap route first, then if it doesn't work get the dynabeads.
Thought about it, but a couple of my friends had not so great results with trying BB's, so I figured I'd just give these a shot. They are in there now, just got back from getting them mounted and so far they are working. So I'm happy.