I got a Mile Marker cover for it, much needed in this climate:
Aside from a test pull, I haven't used it to pull the vehicle yet. But some of you may get a kick out of use #101 for a winch--"Load the Meatwagon!"
Much easier than trying to get that thing up there by myself. In fact, before I never even tried to get one up there and used a hitch mounted platform (which was a PITA to drive around with when not in use). It would have been a lot easier with a wireless trigger so I could guide the deer while running the winch instead of running back and forth, that's next on the list.
This is one of the reasons I got the composite line--it's just so much nicer to deal with for stuff like that. You don't need to worry about it cutting a groove in anything it rubs against. And of course you don't need to worry about metal slivers if you dare to touch it without gloves, it has virtually no memory, etc. It's more expensive, but I think it's a worthwhile upgrade.