there are a few ways to choose from, the os talks about them to. this is the cheapest mod
we will ever do at like 2 dollars or so. anyway the way i did it is: part #276-1104
and its two rectifier diodes (in4005)at radio shack.go to fuse panel under rear seat.take off cover for fuses.
you will see 2 harnesses on the side of panel,an upper and lower.find the green an white wire slot on the upper harness.
then insert the anode side(or black side) into this slot. the other end the cathode side(or silver stripe side)twists together with your other diodes cathode side.
(i soldered them) and plug this into the black and white wire slot on the lower harness. now plug the anode side(or black side) into the pink and white wire slot on the lower harness. i know it sounds a little confusing
but once you start with everything in hand its really easy. i had to fold the wire ends on the diodes that were pushed in the slots to have a better connection,you will see what i mean. no cutting of wires was needed.however you could always skin a little off the wires and solder.takes seconds to reverse this if needed.
now when you hit your high beams your lows stay on and fogs stay on.check your laws, some states are more strict than others with 6 lights runnin. haha to make matters worse i have my 2 bumper mounted kc lights relayed off the hi beam sw also! talkin bout light!
you will have fun with this.