Philberto wrote:From what I've read about them, they're a co-produced tire between Wally World and Goodyear. With that said, I've never had a good experience with a Goodyear tire. I've also heard that for the price they're selling at, you can get bfg mudterrains version 1. I know I got my Coopers for cheaper than they're asking, and they're just about as aggressive.
Philberto wrote:care to share? And I don't see your location info near your name... and too lazy to go on the other forum to look lol.
Philberto wrote::awesome: $900 for tires?!?!![]()
What the heck did you buy?
-edit: Ahhh, you are in california... where'd you get popped for speeding?
The Roadie wrote:The ones I want would be the new Goodyear MT/R with Kevlar. Onlinetires doesn't have them on the web site yet, and when called, said it would be another 3-4 weeks. Then I can at least compare prices. But thanks for the lead.
Philberto wrote:No worries... as far as the delay from them, when I went down there, it was 1 big warehouse, and about 4 guys in an office... so they have crazy low overhead. Before them, I used to go and have the tire stores price-match them, but their prices aren't as great as they used to be.
NickNorie wrote:I will have to look again and shop around! thatnks
NickNorie wrote:rent-100
teebes wrote:NickNorie wrote:rent-100
Only a $100 rent? Wanna trade![]()
But don't you have full access to a welder... and miles and miles of tube?
The Roadie wrote:Nick's got a G80 and lift, but is 2WD. So it's not a great investment for him to get $1000 worth of tires.
Say - what about having vehicle summaries in the profile so we can instantly see how big the other folks "package" is without having to remember it all?