Moderator: gotricebih
gotricebih wrote:I honestly don't seeing that being a problem at all. I won't know for sure until I test it myself.
Would anybody with a 4wd be willing to test a set out? To see if there is any driveshaft issues?
I have a 2wd And I really won't see any major off roading or flexing. I will trade a full set for a 2.5" rear lift. Spacers or springs.
Let me know.
Regulator1175 wrote:gotricebih wrote:I honestly don't seeing that being a problem at all. I won't know for sure until I test it myself.
Would anybody with a 4wd be willing to test a set out? To see if there is any driveshaft issues?
I have a 2wd And I really won't see any major off roading or flexing. I will trade a full set for a 2.5" rear lift. Spacers or springs.
Let me know.
I just talked to Kyle (Hardtrailz), he is out of town for the weekend wheeling, but I knew he would be interested. He has a set of rear spacers, and will be willing to trade for them as well as be your 4x4 tester. I am sure anyone that has wheeled with him will agree that he will certainly put them to the test!
gotricebih wrote:Okay cool. Tell him to PM me when he gets a chance and we will work this out.
Regulator1175 wrote:gotricebih wrote:Okay cool. Tell him to PM me when he gets a chance and we will work this out.
Will do, whats your time frame? It sounds like your not ready to put a set in the mail tomorrow, but I just wanted to ask and make sure. He will be back in town on Monday, so I am sure he will make contact then.
gotricebih wrote:I should be able to make a set next week. When he gets in touch with me we will work it all out.
Regulator1175 wrote:gotricebih wrote:I should be able to make a set next week. When he gets in touch with me we will work it all out.
The timing couldn't be any better. Kyle called me earlier today, it sounds like he bent the hell out of one of the control arms while wheeling this weekend. He wanted me to ask how fast you could possibly get them produced and shipped? I think he is concerned with leaving Thursday night for Carlisle with what he has on now.
gotricebih wrote:I will make a set as soon as possible. He needs them by this coming Thursday?