The rear power stud is indeed fed by the megafuse, and I see peak fridge battery recharge currents of around 50A, and I've used my AC inverter drawing about 75A off of it. The megafuse is oversized to handle goofball owners raising all FOUR windows at once and stalling the motors at the top.
The trailer constant 12V wire is not fed by the megafuse, but rather by a 30A large fuse on the edge of the fuse block - called a "J-case" fuse. There are 30A mini fuses, but the J-case was designed to handle higher inrush currents such as a trailer might have with a discharged battery, and a lower voltage drop across it, to deliver power to the trailer with higher efficiency. They also cost more.
Emergency workaround tutorial: Coincidentally, the trailer feed threaded stud is right next to the megafuse rear panel feed stud, so it you lose your megafuse and aren't carrying your spare (you ALL have spares of EACH fuse in the vehicle, RIGHT?), you can simply jump the megafuse stud to the trailer stud and get your interior lights, etc. back. Just don't raise more than one window at a time or you'll blow your trailer J-case fuse.