Story Time
Last Friday it snowed where I live, nothing heavy just some dust. Me and a friend decide to go offroading in our usual spot. (Mistake 1) My friend hops out and records me doing some donuts (mistake 2)and posts it on Snapchat (mistake 3 AKA the nail in the coffin). Little did we know it was private property and the land owners kid saw my friends post. Flash forward to Wednesday everyone at my school's talking about how my friend and I were in deep shit. Principal and student resource officer (a public schools equivalent to a mall cop) call us into the office. They have the video pulled up and tell us that we're being charged with trespassing and property damage. Needless to say our parents aren't too happy. Lesson: don't do stupid shit
Side note: it's a pretty sick video if any of y'all want to see it