rScherzer wrote:I'm going to try and flip mine tonight after work. I'll post up a picture of my alignment when I'm done. Just a side note it looks like that aligned it using cross specs, meaning they tried to match it to the other side.
HawkeyeC25 wrote:Looks like they indeed set your caster. The upper control arms are not adjustable, but the lower control arms are used to adjust caster. But flipping the upper control arms puts the upper ball joints way forward which means they can only compensate so much with the lower control arm. You look like you are up against the limit for caster (I think mine is almost the same result). Looks good!
Timberwolf wrote:I'd be much happier at 3° than at less than 1°
Trail X wrote:Mike, there's nothing particularly special about that caster number. The camber and toe will affect tire wear, but the caster is really just a steering-wheel-feel number. If your steering wheel feels normal to you, and the tires center well and track well on the interstate, then you're fine. If you don't like the centering force, or how it tracks on the interstate, then you'll need to look for other ways to fix it. The good thing about[b] low caster is that you'll be steadier on the highway with high crosswinds.[/b]
rScherzer wrote:Trail X wrote:Mike, there's nothing particularly special about that caster number. The camber and toe will affect tire wear, but the caster is really just a steering-wheel-feel number. If your steering wheel feels normal to you, and the tires center well and track well on the interstate, then you're fine. If you don't like the centering force, or how it tracks on the interstate, then you'll need to look for other ways to fix it. The good thing about[b] low caster is that you'll be steadier on the highway with high crosswinds.[/b]
Correct me if I'm wrong but wouldn't higher caster be steadier on the highway? My thought is that the higher the number the more force is applied on the wheel to want to track strait. I'm not sure what the affects of crosswind would do But then like you had said as long as it tracks strait and doesn't wear the tires your all good!