One set of photos we want to replace are the trail rating guide photos ( We originally used photos from Expeditions West, which used a Tacoma. We'd like to replace these pictures with GMT360/70s. If you have a photo that showcases your vehicle and a trail rating of 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, or 4, please post your image below and indicate which trail rating it could correspond to. Feel free to go through all of your old images, dates do not matter, but the trail needs to be clearly showcased.
The second set of photos we are working on are recovery photos. If you have any pictures of GMT360s involving stuck vehicles, passive recoveries, dynamic recoveries, static recoveries, or recovery tools, please post them below. These photos will be used in the Vehicle Recovery article ( on the new site.
These are good chances for your truck to live forever in infamy on the new site!
Thanks everyone!