Here are a couple examples: (not necessarily from here) ... 92582.html (emailed this guy and he said he took off lift and everything was fine)
viewtopic.php?f=26&t=3992&p=69752&hilit=Bad+vibration+in+4x4+under+acceleration#p69752 (OP Never concluded if he fixed)
Here's what I've done so far:
alignment (very trusted mechanic)
replaced CV joints
checked disco. looks fine
checked bearings on dif side looks fine. barely any play
checked motor mounts. all good
what else could it possibly be? I'm at a loss and I need my 4WD. My only guess is if what jrgunn is saying about the monroe being .5 longer but i don't have the 1/2 spacer on top and im only lifted 2"