by Aries » Sat Sep 26, 2015 3:34 pm
Well, like I said it was human error and as I look back there are a number of factors that lead up to that monument.
It was just after sun up and I was on my way to work, I’ve drove this road every day five days a week for the past year. There are a lot of twisty curves on this road but it’s not a big deal. I don’t know what I was doing or thinking about at the time but the front passage side tire went off the pavement and then I felt the rear tire drop off. As I steered the front tire back onto the road (I over corrected and the front grabbed traction) I felt the rear slide sideways. The rear passenger tire deflated and the rim dug into the dirt. “Over She Went”
Everything that was in the back ended up all over the road. Shotgun shells and 9mm rounds scattered, all my dog training equipment (doggie bumpers, dog leashes and fake ducks) what a sight it was. Wish I had pic of it all. What really sucks is I'm taking two weeks off for Thanksgiving and I have a pile of parts that I was going to install at the time. I’ve been looking at other TB’s and Envoy’s but I will more the likely sell everything as a lot. Don't know right now.