I have always preferred "analog" style gauges to digital ones, even though scan gauges can definitely give you much more info in one neat package. For my build I decided on Autometer SportComp II (2 1/16 inch) for trans and water temperature. These are full sweep electronic gauges that offer much higher precision than the standard 90 degree (angle not temp) kind. They come with senders and all their electronics are inside the gauges, which is better than older ones that had an external box.
Instead of using a pod piller, I put them into Autometer's standard cup holders and mounted them directly to the stock pillar as low as I could get them. This does eliminate some of the blind spot creation that higher mounted gauges cause.
There is no stock place for the senders to go as discussed above. But due to having a B&M deep transmission pan, the trans sender could go into the available port there. I had to use a right-angle tube as the shift linkage is in the way of the back of the sender. For water temp I used the Autometer hose adapter which inserts an aluminium tube with a sender port into the coolant line.
Here are some pictures.

Here's the entire
write up.