There's no easier way to explain this, so I'll just do it in order. I'll be quick.
Driving 250 miles on the rainy highway yesterday, all is fine. I even had my grandmother driving it for an hour or so earlier in the day. Around 11PM after the rain had just stopped, I finally get to my exit. As I'm getting to the off-ramp, I start slowing from 80 as a normal person would. Around 25-30mph (estimating), my ABS kicked in full swing, sliding me to a stop on the empty ramp. I turn the truck off and wait for a minute, listening to my Braves try and rally from the D-Backs in the 4th. Once back on, I slowly start driving and notice the entire truck is wobbling and hopping, as if your rear driveshaft dropped and only the front had power. I get to the side of the ramp and get out, inspecting the other side.

Blown tire. Great, gotta love Guard Dogs. Whatever, I keep my tools with me. Got the jack, swapped out the spare.
Except the tire didn't blow out. It was fine.

The wheel itself shattered. The factory aluminum GM wheel that we all have.
Well, time to get off the highway. Got the jack, swapped the tires, and onwards ~4 miles down the road to home. Still hopping and wobbling not nearly as bad but enough to go only 35-40 with hazards on. Start hearing some minor clunking, getting louder the further I go. All is good alright until... red light! Press the brakes slightly from far away annnnnd ABS lockup, sliding to a halt again in the middle of the road. So I'm getting into a routine with this thing, with the ABS and my Braves and all. I wait a minute, then proceed on my way. However, the clunking got worse twice-over. So I get over to the side of road and get out. I inspect the tires again, all good. Check the driveshaft... well, that's good. But here's this:

That's my caliper. On the bottom of the wheel. All my wat is out in full force. So yet again, tire off but this time... so is my caliper!

...yeah. So I cleared out the caliper, plugged the brake line, and limped the last mile or so back home. I'm not quite sure WTH just happened. It looks like the caliper dropped, damaging the wheel, right? That's what I thought, but I didn't notice the caliper when I changed the tire the first time (whether it was or wasn't broken at the time, I can't confirm). It's finally daylight out so I'm gonna take a look at it today and look for any clues. I had no warning of this before it happened. I can only imagine what would have happened if it had done this while my grandmother was driving, or if it had done this at highway speeds. I like brakes, it seems this machine does not.
It's not related to offroad or any of the mods, but I wanted to share this with you guys anyway.