Below is the list of offroadTB's goals, as posted on our About page ( If you're not familiar with them, please read them over.
- Provide the most comprehensive and accurate information available.
- Evolve this web site to enhance the user experience.
- Keep topics relevant to active, functional off-roading and looking towards the future of the platform.
- Provide its members and guests with an enjoyable environment.
- Promote, define, and grow development within the off-road and trailblazer aftermarket industry.
- Promote goodwill between vendors and end-users.
- Aid users in understanding and choosing proper modifications for their goals.
This is not only the goals of the offroadTB team, but also should essentially be the goals that each of you consider to be your own as a member here. We hold you guys to the same standards you hold us to.
You'll notice that I have bolded a few items above. I find these to be especially pertinent lately, and need to be addressed directly.
First and foremost, why are we here? We were all brought here for a single reason, looking for information. That's why we get new members here daily. They generally want to do the same thing that we all want to do. So lets make it a point to try to provide the best information we can to each other. So often I see sarcastic posts that point someone in the absolutely wrong direction. We need to remember that sarcasm does not translate over text alone, and that sarcasm really doesn't help our mission in technical discussion.
I want to remind everyone that off-topic chatter is absolutely fine in the off-topic area. That's what it's there for. But so many technical threads recently have been taken over by inane bullshit. Now, obviously there will be times when conversations naturally flow to new topics - that's not what I'm talking about here. I'm talking about cluttering up a technical thread when someone simply forgot a "y", or simply replying "READ!" to someone (not to call anyone out). If you're not willing to help the discussion, move on from the thread. You don't need to prove that you know the answer, but aren't willing to share it. You can always answer the question with a link to the pertinent thread and then add something to the effect of "I found this answer in 10 seconds by searching X", or "Before asking any more questions, read all of the stickies" at the end of your answer.
I hope this comes across clearly - we don't need to be soft, but we also shouldn't clutter up our on-topic, technical sections of the forum with useless BS. Lets try to keep our technical threads to pertinent helpful content. Once you add your content, however, feel free to offer up other advice as needed (your grammar sucks, this was easy .
I'm tired of redundant noobie questions too, but those threads end up turning into redundant conversations about how noobie posts are so redundant. We're the ones making it redundant! I'm sure we've all been guilty of this at one point or another, but lets try to hold ourselves to a higher standard.
Again, lets stop plugging up our technical discussion sections with crap, and try to stay on topic as best we can.
Comments welcome.