I'm happy the direction this has gone, because I've now asked bartonmd for a bumper kit, oil skid, and radiator skid. I plan on having a local shop weld and finish the bumper. I'm looking forward to it.
I had ordered a bumper months ago from Tactical Armor Group, before realizing the horrible reputation they had.
No... half a year ago I had ordered a bumper. Actually: 29 weeks ago. (WTF?) Sure, I need to keep on top of that more, but the reality is that I don't drive much at all right now and all our trails are still full of snow here in Colorado. So, I saw summer around the bend and ringed TAG up. They have "suspended operations due to the massive amount of credit card fraud we have experienced." Their reputation seems to have caught up with them, with many a waiting customer disputing card charges.
I paid for my bumper in October. Today, my credit card company (and I do highly recommend the REI mastercard) refunded me that payment. Sweet.
I should post more often. I lurk mostly. New and ongoing on my end: Swapping the 3.42 gearing with a 8.6" rear diff with front/rear 4.56 gearing, looking for rear locker recommendations, replacing control arms and CV axles and tie rod ends and springs, and figuring out how to clean my engine bay from all the sticky red clay that is caked into it.