Offroad Trailblazers and Envoys

Save on A/C Compressor Kits, Fuel Injectors & Distributors

Products offered by our vendor: RockAuto


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by RockAuto » Tue May 11, 2021 12:40 pm

Four Seasons and Autoline are offering RockAuto customers a 10% instant manufacturer rebate on select A/C Kits, Fuel Injectors & Distributors throughout the month of May, 2021!

Four Seasons' PAC-Kits are assembled and shipped in one convenient package with everything you need to perform a successful A/C Compressor replacement including a new A/C Compressor, A/C Receiver Drier / Accumulator, A/C Expansion Valve (or A/C Orifice Tube), A/C Refrigerant Oil, and all of the necessary O-Rings and Gaskets.

AutoLine Products is known for remanufacturing fuel injectors, carburetors, throttle bodies, and other crucial, precision-made parts. Their new Distributors feature precision machined shafts and OEM Equivalent Electronics (modules and coils), to ensure proper function and long service life. They come ready-to-install with cap and rotor, gasket, wire harness and/or other required parts.


Go to the "Promotions and Rebates" page for more manufacturer rebates.

Thank You!
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Name: RockAuto
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