Swapped rear shocks to Rough Country units. I think it rides better, but likely in my head. I just did not like the rust starting on the Skyjacker and wanted to try the RC because of the customer service my buddy gets from them. Also added some decals from Mr. HighVoltage...Latin for What is said is done, an old Motto of U.S. Navy Fighter Squadron VF-194. The shocks are on the opposite sides I intended, but will get to switching them later. Dont remember part number offhand, but they are the ones for a lifted s-10 rear and the same basic dimensions everyone runs on here. Required pics...

Added a 20 inch lightbar to the bumper and a 32 to the roof. Have a pair of 6 inch for rear of rack as well. None of the roof is wired yet, but the switch, wiring, and relay is all ready, so its just time I need. The 20 impresses the hell out of me. Great output. It is the combo beam pattern and simply works great. I can turn off the quad beams and not even care. But some pics...

Output --but pics do not do justice...
Quad beams featuring 5000K 35 watt HID lows and HID imitation knockoff halogen highs

20 inch LED bar

Both 20 inch bar and the quad beams

Non-Offroad but some vinyl changed. Jeff hooked me up with some nice stuff for the Jamboree, but my lil girl ended up in the ER then shipped to Cincinnati ER so I missed all but the first day of that. Got the above referenced shock decals, got the windshield with Aequitas + Veritas--justice and truth ala Boondock Saints and have a few more bits of smaller orange to still apply. Also did a semi hidden tramp stamp on the rear hatch. Cant see it with the bumper arms in, but it means something to me and I like it. I did strip off most other decals from the truck to clean it up some. Finally after years I removed the Lift It Fat Chicks Cant Jump from each side, I pulled all off the back window except the original Paved Roads Another Example of Wasteful Govt Spending. Which can be removed, but may be replaced with a copy since I work for the Dept of Transportation. I did leave the compass rose on the 1/4 window i did awhile back and the silver front fender pirate 4x4 trail badge. Oh well. it will likely all change in a few months and they dont add anything but enjoyment to me. Pics anyway since it is my build thread.