(Reiterating what is on the ORTB home page and facebook page.)We’re adopting a new syntax to the “Location” field in your profiles in order to allow our users to sort the “member list” via location. This should help members organize and easily see who their neighbors are. This means placing the state FIRST in the location field. So, please log into the offroadtb.com forum and update your location profile entries with the following order:
2-letter state abbreviation FIRST, then city
NY, Buffalo
GA, Atlanta
WA, Seattle
CA, Los Angeles
(state should be capitalized)
Thank you very much for taking the time to update your profile.
You can update your profile via the "User Control Panel" link at the top of your screen. Or follow this link:
ucp.php?i=386This forum-wide announcement will be up for 30 days.