I'm looking for someone to help me administer the Wordpress side of the offroadtb website. So far, this section of the site has been only managed by me, and I'm looking to possibly expand that.
I took advantage of a sale and purchased the matching Wordpress theme to finally visually match the forum and the Wordpress sites together. The new theme comes with improved visual options and new features that we can begin to take advantage of. I will be working to implement the new theme sometime before the end of the year.
I'm looking for someone that knows their way around Wordpress, is able to update posts and articles, and respond to comments with knowledgeable answers. I'm hoping to find someone that would be willing to work with me to bring new content to the Wordpress side of the site through blog posts and through cultivation of new articles. Also desirable is the ability to troubleshoot coding and bugs in theme code (especially bootstrap based themes). As a result, you'll also join the moderation team here on the forum side of the site.
If you're interested in helping the community, email me at jd(at)offroadtb.com and let me know a bit about your background with Wordpress sites.