Hey all,
I wanted a place to document my projects over this winter, so I'm starting up this thread. Let me know if it belongs somewhere else in the forum. I'm rebuilding my engine myself and wanted to both share my findings for others, as well as take on any suggestions of those who have experience! I'll include the highlights in my Build Thread when I'm done, but until then I wouldn't mind getting this somewhere I can get feedback.
My '05 TB EXT ran great all summer, but a few things were troubling me:
1) There's been a constant slow oil leak. The pan and underside of the block are a mess from blow-back and never found the time to clean everything up and find it's source.
2) The last trip out for the year, the front disco has had a hard time keeping 4WD engaged.
3) Every now and then, I've had what sounded like a lifter knock, and sometimes a mild chirp from deep in the engine. It finally started throwing intermittent misfire codes on the #8 cylinder if left at idle for too long.
All of this lead to the decision to start pulling things out of the truck. I'm down to everything being completely torn out, but it will take me some time to get all the pics and info up here.
Welcome to my journey!!