Does anyone know where the factory airbags compressor is located in a Bravada? (I'd assume it's the same location as the Envoy)
This is the background to the question
My friend's almost-car-illiterate friend bought an 02 Bravada. I don't know much about it, other than "the dealer said it's an 02", "the back end and interior kinda resembles my TB" and "I'm sure it needs springs/shocks".
My friend insists that the rear suspension is a torsion bar, because he SAW a torsion bar, and he KNOWS when he sees a torsion bar. I insist that if he didn't see springs, then it's got airbags. Now, I have never worked on an 02, but I'd assume that none of the components were greatly changed, and I doubt the Olds would have a torsion bar vs springs on the TB/Envoy. He also mentioned that Adam (the owner of the Olds) said that the trunk had a compressor that's for tires only, but he knows almost nothing about cars. Now, I'd assume the compressor is mounted somewhere UNDER the trunk, not inside, as the noise levels would probably be uncomfortable.
I know this is probably better for the OS, but I figured that at least a member here knows where the compressor was mounted from factory.