Zero wrote:JD...if you are really think you may have a bit of a heat problem you want to get under control. You may want to switch to a more efficient radiator. Even if your air flow through the grill stayed the same, the rad would still be able to dissapate the heat on its own.
Id suggest looking at aluminum core the "be cool" rad. They have heat sink fins on the body that also double as mounting points for fans electronics whatever.
My point is, you need a radiator that has a high cooling ability. Just like adding / increase in the size of a trans cooler. If its running to hot, at more cooling surface and or increase the fluid capacity to make the thermal transfer more efficient.
Just my 2cents.
Or if you want to be a bit wild about it, get a functional cowl hood. It will help relieve the heat under the hood, also adding the rads efficiency.
The aluminum radiators aren't really all that much more efficient than stock. They can be made thinner because aluminum is easier to work than copper, but copper transfers heat much better than aluminum does... What makes the aftermarket/custom aluminum radiators MUCH higher capacity is the fact that a lot of them are 4-core, whereas stock rads are usually 2 or 3 core...
I would first try a little bit of Water Wetter in the coolant (providing it's Dex compatible. I haven't looked)... It simply kills some of the surface tension of the water, and allows it to more efficiently transfer heat from the engine and to the radiator... Some people say it's snake oil, but I used it in my bike before I switched to Evans, and the fan didn't kick on as soon in traffic, and it cooled down quicker after I got up and into free moving air again...
Or you could just remove the lights from in front of your grill...