Ive only started to drive my 02 TB LTZ frequently this year. She now has 135k on the odometer. I noticed engine oil disappering rather quickly. Ive done 2 oil changes and used different brands all 5w30. Recently, i put 3k miles on her and the oil level dropped down to half on the dipstick.
So i crawled under and removed the skid plate. It was really wet where the differential met the oil pan. There doesnt seem to be any visible leaks from the differentials seal, drain, and fill plugs. I dont notice any fluid running from the head to the block, or the block to the oil pan. So from the wet area previously mentioned, the drain plug on oil pan seems to be wet as well. The drain plug is not oem but one from Dorman which had a new seal when I replaced it.
Again, not where its leaking engine oil - cant see any evidence from head to block and/or from block to oil pan. Any suggestions out there?