by flap00 » Tue Aug 04, 2015 4:05 pm
Well I just got a code of P0894 - Transmission Component Slipping. So, I finally just got the Trans temp gauge up and running in Torque Pro. Took it for a 10-15 minute drive around the neighborhood. Have about I'd guess 600 lbs on board between me and a bunch of tools in back. It is hot today...90F. According to THE APP, The trans fluid got up to 210.2 and basically stayed there.
Guess that's considered hotter than healthy? Would that necessarily explain the code?
I haven't noticed any trans problems, other than...sometimes after getting off the highway, then stopping and going on small roads, it does some harder shifting...but it's done that for all 2 years or so that I've owned it. (And my PCM oF NC a few months back didn't seem to affect that aspect either way.)
I do some small towing here and there. Guess I'd better put a cooler in no matter what. Have to figure out which to get and where...?