A B&M supper cooler. It is rated at 13,000lbs I believe. So far I have seen about a 20deg difference.
It was 34c here the last few days WITHOUT humidity, so closer to 40+. It is the first time I have ever seen my trans hit 226F. So I knew I had to get a cooler.
Once the cooler was installed we had another day of the same high temps, and I ran around 206-210F....even with the A/c on. Thats a lot better!
In my opinion it is still a little high. Preferably I wouldnt want to see 200F+ unless I was towing something.
I added Lucas trans additive to top up the system after the cooler install so I hope that helps with the temps a bit.
AlekG ended up ditching his stock trans pan, and went with the deep pan but got the aluminum one with the heat sinks. I already have a deep pan stock because I am an EXT, but I guess switching to the heat dissipating cover the Alek got may help a bit as well.
I know I am gona inherrantly run a bit hotter then the short wheel base guys because there is just a ton more weight to carry on the same size system. If I find even with the new pan, I can bring the temps down a bit more, I will most likely sell my cool, and purchase a thicker cooler from B&M that is rated for around 22,000lbs I believe. Or I could always see if there is a safe place to put a "Rail mounted" or " Frame mounted" in line trans cooler.
SO in the end, the install was easy. We cut the metal lines (need to take more pics), flared them, and grooved them...slid the rubber hose over, and used a screw clamp to hold it all down. So far no problems at all. We stayed away from compression fittings because they tend to be more trouble then they are worth. Servicing them is a pain compared to my set up, which is very simple. I wanted something solid, that can be serviced in the field if needed.
Front end and headlights removed.

Mounted cooler.

NO brackets used. We decided to go with the rad pull through ties for now.