Ok snorkel write up. Ordered from amazon. It is a 90-97 landcruiser snorkel. When I recieved the package I immediately pulled the template out and compared to the snorkel, it is off by quite a bit, so modification will need done to the template. My suggestion is just keep the section around the outlet with the 3 bolts, mark where you want and drill the 3 holes, the big hole needs to be a little bigger then the template hole. I eve those are drilled holes install all the studs, and I steer the front of the snorkel, then tweak the snorkel down just a bit, push it against the fender and give it a tap near the back bottom of the snorkel, this will score the fender for the rest of your studs, drill and install. Also the bracket by the windshield needs modified, just adding an inch to the bottom to make it taller, Now I wanted to keep the a/c, so I drilled the inner fender just below the a/c line. (After removing washer fluid reservoir). I also removed the black box on top of the engine. Any inline filter can be used, I used one from an f150 and modified the box and intake hose. The intake hose removed from the box fits directly onto the throttle body. I then plumbed the crank case vent to the air box. To mate them together I got a 3x3 90 degree hose from Lowe’s. After initial run found it wasn’t draining properly. The slits in the air ram weren’t up enough so I lengthened them and now all is good.