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by navigator » Sat Mar 03, 2012 10:13 pm
I recently received a flyer in the mail from HF with a coupon to get the 12K winch for $329.
Be on the lookout if you are in the market for a winch.
They seem to run the 12K on sale from time to time but the 9k is usually the same price.
I'm not ready to get one right now, if anyone can't find a coupon (usually they are in the stores), PM me and I'll send you mine.
My receiver hitch is only rated for 9k but I had thought about the 12k winch anyway just because it has a bigger motor so I would expect light loads wouldn't work it as hard and if I remember right it is faster than the 9k version.
I think it weighs about 10lbs more though.
Coupon expires 3/31/12
"Please consider a search before posting. Folks on this site PIONEERED functional offroad use of these trucks."
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- Moderator
- Posts: 4651
- Joined: Wed Mar 09, 2011 10:16 am
- Location: NC, Winnabow
- Name: Chris
- Vehicle Year: 2006
- Vehicle: Chevrolet TrailBlazer
- DriveTrain: 4WD
- Rank: Trail Ready
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