by Diacom » Sun Oct 06, 2019 10:45 pm
If you wish to lift 3" in suspension, then yes, your Rough Country kit will need to come out in part or entirely, depending on what parts come with the 3".
However, if you are talking about a 3" body lift, then no, you can keep the Rough Country lift in place and add the body lift to supplement the suspension lift.
Our lifts are already more on the budget side compared to many other vehicles, so forgo low budget and get the best quality you can. Even the higher quality products typically cost sub $1000 including new shocks. Anything more than that for either a suspension or a body lift is really not better quality but just plain over priced.
Unless you plan to ditch the ifs and go full on SAS you can find price effective lifts. But it's not just the lift. You have to figure new tires typically. Some protection, for the vehicle as well as yourself. Higher wear and tear on parts which will necessitate more maintenance. This is typically where our budgets start to get costly.