Mooseknuckle wrote:Yeah that's what I wanted but the bar will only go through the tow hooks up to 2005 ,2006 wont fit at least that is what waag told me....Waag is where it's at it's a good product. Although you can find other brands that will do the same thing if cost is an issue
FYI, thats what WAAG told me too, but I wanted to have one on my rig and wasn't going to do one that mounted under the bumper. Found one cheap on eBay and jumped on it, figuring that my buddy could help me mod it if need be.
It mounts fine thru the tow hook holes, just the bumper coverand grill sre different so it doesn't look as perfect as it would on the older style bumper but it works. Only modding I had to do was a little cutting of the grill mesh so the upper mount would bolt up...
Check out my thread I posted: