by Jrgunn5150 » Thu Apr 16, 2015 12:53 am
The strength difference between a 44 and a 60 isn't even worth discussing, every single part of a 60 is ludicrously larger and beefier.
My issue with that is the cost, in ground clearance due to the larger pig, and upper clearance, again, due to the larger pig.
I want to stay relatively low, I have trees coming in at crazy angles on trails, and going up only makes things more difficult. Also, I'm concerned about width. Our front WMS is 63", according to info on this site. A Ford D44 is 65, so roughly the same when you add in spacers.
I believe the reason several have steered away from the 44 is due to the 60 pig being offset a greater amount, thus giving more oil pan clearance? But I can easily get a rear sump pan, so clearance in that direction is less of an issue for me.
My reasoning behind radius arms is, one, their simple lol. And two, I can keep it lower than the leaf spring rigs I've seen.
Idk, I need to do some more reading. Plus, I lack sense, so one tons are probably smarter for me, although I'd try to do a 60/70 combo with radius arms