Offroad Trailblazers and Envoys

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by snowmirage » Sat Jul 16, 2011 6:12 pm

Just picked up my order from 4wheelparts, its like Christmas in July! :D


Those that picked up a Highlift Jack what did you get?

I just picked up a 36" from 4wheelparts, thinking it would be easier to fit in the truck for the time being. But looking at it I am wondering if it'll be tall enough when I get myself into trouble...

Hmmm decisions decisions.

I traded in the "recovery" strap I had ordered which turned out wasnt what I thought it was, and grabbed that snatch strap, which is just what I was looking for.

Think I need to pickup a High rated tow strap and a length of chain along with some D-ring's so I can winch with the jack if needed.
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by Trail X » Sat Jul 16, 2011 7:20 pm

I didn't know they sold mini hi-lifts. It would probably work fine, but it never hurts to have extra length. I'd get the 48 - actually in retrospect I'd get an xtreme. The top jaw mount looks pretty handy.
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by snowmirage » Sat Jul 16, 2011 8:13 pm

Something Else I've been thinking about picking up, a set of "traction mats" or "traction ramps" what ever you want to call them

I'm guessing this is another one of those "you get what you pay for" cases but has anyone had seen this one?

For $29 bucks seems like they are worth a shot.

I've heard people talking about ones similar to these.....

But 300 bucks?

Even these which look similar are 150 ... _pl=103774

There are also these, that look very well made

but again $185 bucks

I was actually trying to think of something from the hardware store or something I could use to make something similar. A few planks of wood I guess but something stronger would be good.
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by snowmirage » Sat Jul 16, 2011 8:21 pm

Just came accross this article which gives a nice review. ... index.html

it looks like the first ones I link might be a good "best of both worlds"
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by snowmirage » Sun Jul 17, 2011 1:35 am

I think I will go back and trade it in for a taller one. Maybe 42" or something I'll have to measure see which fits in the back the best.

I also came across this on the other site from The Roadie, looks like a great deal but I have yet to find the seller on ebay, they might not be available any longer.

I'm going to keep searching in hopes I can find a "cheap" solution similar to those. I suspect there is a product or part out there that would work as these do (though it may not be its original intention ;) ) just a matter of finding it.

Another post on another forum with some potential ideas ... -off-road/
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by NC_IslandRunner » Sun Jul 17, 2011 2:20 am

I got to see the MAXXTRAXX in action and use a set personally at the Overland Rally and they are pretty good but you can't spin tires on them or you will mess them up, also saw them almost get lost in mud and the desperation to recover them was insane. I can't imagine paying so much for something that will break so easy or I'm terrified of losing that bad. I have a video of the guys recovering the traxxs and it is funny, I'll try to post if I can figure out how on monday. I can make traction boards at home for less and more durable but will have to deal with the weight.
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by Trail X » Sun Jul 17, 2011 10:34 am

According to the research I've seen, the only one you posted that's worth anything is the maxtracks and bill's fiberglass grating bridging ladders (I have those too).

There are other options like military PSP planks, and mantec bridging ladders.
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