Regulator1175 wrote:So I have to ask, everyone gave me a hard time about how my route for removing the front diff took to much work, but this was a better option? I did mine by myself in less then 3 hours! That just seems like it was a lot of excess work. Did you use a lift as well?
I dunno if there really is a "great" way to go about it. I think it boils down to what you can get to work personally. It seems like one method that works for one guy doesn't seem to for another.
mikekey wrote:
I'm not so much worried about my speedo personally, as for my safety with the ABS when I do a 4.56 swap.
Yeah, I couldn't give a single shit about the speedo, and definitely not two shits, but the ABS should be retained for something as simple as a gear swap.