fishsticks wrote:4WheelParts sells jerry cans now. $38 each. I lost one off the bed of my crawler onto the highway at 40mph and it didn't even dent. Went around a corner, it slid off the side hit the pavement and slid into a curb. Always check your tie downs before driving off.
The spouts are a little goofy but usable. ... pn=MDW5800
fishsticks wrote:4WheelParts sells jerry cans now. $38 each. I lost one off the bed of my c
rawler onto the highway at 40mph and it didn't even dent. Went around a corner, it slid off the side hit the pavement and slid into a curb. Always check your tie downs before driving off.
The spouts are a little goofy but usable. ... pn=MDW5800
HARDTRAILZ wrote:You can get one for 40 w free shipping too. ... 1423.l2649
TBYODA wrote:HARDTRAILZ wrote:You can get one for 40 w free shipping too. ... 1423.l2649
That a good buy but not sure about the exposed seam. Kyle do you think it could be an issue? MikeKey do yours have that? From your pictures it is hard to tell because of the shadows.
dvanbramer88 wrote:
these are made to exceed NATO specs. They have the recessed seem. They're NOT CARB compliant so they can't ship them to a bunch of states.