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Ram Mount laptop mount *!*

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by Zero » Tue Dec 29, 2009 3:19 pm

I finally, after weeks of waiting, and numerous problems with canadian customs. i got my order. i did plan on having this installed for my cross country trip to California, but problems at the border held it up. i talked to the company and asked them to change the shipping address to my home in Los Angeles, and within 2 days it has arrived.

man shipping can be a pain in the ass sometimes! but im glad its here.

i got the ram mount kit for my specific truck
usb light
screen support
additional flat laptop support clips

I cant wait to get it installed, although i am in no rush since the lap top that was supposed to be given to me is not yet in my posesion.

O well, at least i have the kit now, so thats nice. if only my volant intake kit would show up!!!! i need every extra pony and mpg I can get out of my beast. but untill then ill be entertained with all the new mods.
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by Trail X » Tue Dec 29, 2009 5:51 pm

Once you get it installed and take pictures, repost in the completed mods section with a good description.
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by bartonmd » Tue Dec 29, 2009 6:37 pm

#4 :poke:

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by EwingJK » Wed Dec 30, 2009 1:59 am

Zero wrote:I finally, after weeks of waiting, and numerous problems with canadian customs. i got my order.

Wow! I haven't had any trouble getting stuff shipped to UAE. I had to go to the post office in Abu Dhabi to pick up my Bilstein HDs and to pay the Customs duty, but everything else has been delivered directly to my shipping address.

I'm looking forward to your instalation post!
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by bartonmd » Wed Dec 30, 2009 5:41 pm


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by janesy86 » Wed Dec 30, 2009 8:18 pm

Haha yea man..can't wait to see the pics. I hate opening a thread and no pics are posted. :poke:
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by Zero » Tue Jan 05, 2010 11:52 am

ive been bussy getting the pics for the other mods i have done up on the site. ill get around to taking pics of the rammount in the next day or too.
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by KE7WOX » Sun Jan 10, 2010 3:44 am

EwingJK wrote:
Zero wrote:I finally, after weeks of waiting, and numerous problems with canadian customs. i got my order.

Wow! I haven't had any trouble getting stuff shipped to UAE. I had to go to the post office in Abu Dhabi to pick up my Bilstein HDs and to pay the Customs duty, but everything else has been delivered directly to my shipping address.

I'm looking forward to your instalation post!

Lucky you.

When we lived in Panama we had a Mail Boxes Etc (locally) and they gave us an address in Miami, so everything was mailed to Miami and then they (not UPS or FedEx) did the customs brokerage and we just picked up the package at the MBE 5 minutes way from the house.
Now that my family is back in northern Mexico, they order everything to their mailbox in Laredo TX and they just drive up (2 hours + border crossing) every month or so and pick the stuff up.

I really want to see the uni mailroom's lady's face when I start ordering stuff for my TB (like a lift kit, brushguard, shocks, etc).

Whenever you plan something the shipping gets delayed, more than once I've had to pray that the item gets to me before the trip (I once got 7 packages the day before I was leaving).

Back to the Ram Mount

Sounds like a really cool mod, but I can't see myself using my current computer (Mac) for navigation, maybe I'll eventually pickup a cheap notebook off ebay and a Ram mount for navigation (I'm getting tired of carrying map printouts and a handheld AA powered GPS (not to mention that my Ram mount somehow got busted and refuses to get suctioned into the windshield).

Don't forget to post pictures of the mount and how you attached it
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by Zero » Sun Jan 10, 2010 8:13 pm

will do, i think tomorrow is gona be a work on the truck and take pics day.
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by Zero » Wed Jan 20, 2010 1:46 pm

The reason there aren't pics up until now is that I have been having some problems with my install.

1. The directions say that the lower support plate is to mount on top of the feel of the sliders on the seat. This just cant happen because of the shape of the metal support. The only way it will fit is to be put under the feet of the sliders.

2. Some parts came slightly damaged. Little marks and niks in the paint here and there.

3. The lower part of the post that attaches to the bottom plate support come up almost right in the middle of my passenger seat. It can no longer slide back and forth. The post is quite obtrusive for anyone sitting in the seat.

When I was in Roadies truck, his cam up right next to the center console, at least 3+ inches further to the left then where mine is located.

So I am waiting to hear back from Ram for a fix to this little problem of mine.

Other then this problem, the kit seems to be top notch. Excellent packaging, the directions could be a little better but they got the job done. I dont like how the manuals are spread between the bags. It should just be on book. Everything seems to be made of top quality materials. The whole kit has a bit of weight.

Base plate bolts come with rubber caps.


Bottom post mounted to base plate....


laying everything out for the over picture.....


Slider bolt cover removed...

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by Zero » Wed Jan 20, 2010 2:00 pm

Where the base plate had to be installed under the foot of the slider, not oin top as stated in the directions.




Look how far towards the middle of the seat the post is....


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by HARDTRAILZ » Wed Jan 20, 2010 2:04 pm

I wouldnt want to sit there.
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by Trail X » Wed Jan 20, 2010 2:07 pm

Bill mounted his differently because of the issue you stated. He only used one bolt on the Ram mount plate, and used 2 screws into his transmission tunnel.

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by bgwolfpack » Wed Jan 20, 2010 4:19 pm

That's a nice and strong looking setup Zero. HARDTRAILZ has a point about not sitting there though. I gather on the trip you took with Roadie that you sat in his passenger seat as well as drove the Roadiemobile. His mount shifted toward the center seems more kind.


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by Zero » Wed Jan 20, 2010 7:52 pm

Wow, I never thought to ask Roadie if he did something different.

But my point remains the same, they should not sell something that doesnt fit right. I was supposed to keep the ability of sliding my seat, and passenger comfort.

I called Ram-mount again today, and talked to another customer service guy. He said he would go straight to the engineer and ask, then get back to me. So hopefully I hear something by friday, or I'll call them back.

I really hope this is something they can come up with a fix for, or I can at least help them re design a second gen mount.

I must admist I had really high expectations of this company. I hope they follow through. I dont want to have to use sheet metal screws through my floor to mount a $200+ kit that claims to require no drilling hahahaha. Its totally redundant! plus it should fit the right way, the 1st time , right out of the box.
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by Zero » Wed Jan 20, 2010 10:58 pm


I just received an email from the guys at Ram-mount

Good Day Brendan,

I apologize for the delay. If you would like to send me your address I would like to have a 4" angled riser sent out to you.

This will move the telepole over toward the center and out of the way of the passenger area.

Brian Anderson
National Products, Inc.
8410 Dallas Ave. S.
Seattle, WA 98108
P: 206-763-8361 - 100
F: 206-763-9615

So it looks like I may have a fix that will keep me from drilling. I also offered to take some measurements to see if they can improve the design. Nice bunch of guys, Im glad they are so eager to help and make things right.

Its nice to find another company out there that stands behind their product and works with their customers. After all, in the beginning, for all I knew I installed it wrong hahahaha.

Ill keep you guys posted when the new part comes.
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by HARDTRAILZ » Wed Jan 20, 2010 11:44 pm

Nice to see them stepping up and fixing the issue.

Keep us informed. and yo know we love pictures....
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by Trail X » Wed Jan 20, 2010 11:59 pm

Darn, I want an angled riser too!
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by Zero » Thu Jan 21, 2010 9:35 am

JamesDowning wrote:Darn, I want an angled riser too!

Ill take a pic and show ya if and how it fixes my problem. Maybe you could call them after I get this resolved and they will send one to ya too, they are good guys. Your truck gets a lot of views, and everyone on these sites are familiar with your build...... so it could be beneficial for them too.

To be honest, I think they should be sending these risers to anyone who bought the same kit we did, because the kit was not made right. But I am happy that something is getting done.
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by The Roadie » Fri Jan 22, 2010 10:35 am

I bought an angled riser and I think it still interferes with the seat moving forward on the track. I never thought Ram would care to re-engineer it. So the angled mount is in my horrific stack of stuff to sell or pass on.
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