Another idea that just came to mind as I'm typing is some kind of water storage tank. I've been in a many situations where I was really thirsty and nowhere near a water source.
As with all of my ideas, I don't have the money yet to get it going but I can dream can't I?
So without further adue...

This is really the only stuff that I currently store in the TB. Air compressor, fire extinguisher, jack, spare tire, and 3 ammo cans.

I've drawn a simple paint diagram to describe what I mean about the drawers.
**EDIT** The door labels in this diagram are backwards, the left should be on the bottom and the right should be on the top.

The point of this post is to gather ideas specific to my needs. I've never really fabricated cabinetry before but at the same time I highly doubt I will ever pay someone to fab something for me. Some of your mod posts have been really helpful.