I've been quite bored the last few weeks so cursing around trying to decide what to do with my stock wheels I started to look into plastidip.
Came across this
Interesting idea in that its cheap and temporary
Of course if you drag the front bumper of the truck over a rock its not going to stand a chance, of course neither would your paint.
But most of my (and I use the term very loosely) "body damage" is more likely to be from brush and trees scraping the sides of the truck, or the more typical rock chips etc from the highway.
I have my doubts about how well this would work long term (over the course of a full year), how easy it would be to touch up, and certainly how well it would stand up off road even in "mild" situations.
But an interesting idea and something I might think about trying on some vehicle at some point, if nothing else it protects the paint I guess.